Admissions Requirements | Sitting Bull College

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Admissions Requirements

Students applying for admission to SBC must submit the following documentation to the Registrar:
  • Completed application for admission
  • Official high school transcript or GED certificate
  • Official college/university transcripts
  • Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood
  • Completed dorm/housing application if residing on campus
  • Completed FAFSA Application

Bachelor of Social Work Admissions Requirements

  • Must have an Associate Degree in a Humanities or Social & Behavioral Science related field
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 2.00
  • Completed Social Work application, which includes the following: 
    • Student Handbook
    • Demographic Information Form
    • Two Reference Forms
    • Personal Statement/Essay
    • Background Check/Disclosure Form
    • Student Responsibility Statement of Commitment Form
    • NASW Code of Ethics Statement of Commitment Form
  • Must complete SWK 255 Social Work in a Modern Society and SWK 257 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I with letter grades of "C" or higher
  • Program Interview
  • Meet all SBC admissions requirements

Graduate Program Admissions Requirements

All students applying for admission to an SBC graduate program must submit the following documentation to the Registrar at: Registrar, 9299 Highway 24, Fort Yates, ND 58538.
Sitting Bull College Application for Graduate Student Admissions.  Applications for Graduate Student Admissions are accepted year around.  The deadline for Fall admissions is June 1. 
  1. Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities.
  2. Personal Statement – The length should be a minimum of a half (1/2) page, no longer than two (2) pages for each of the following topics.
  3. The applicant should discuss their personal and professional experiences related to the graduate degree they wish to pursue.  Please explain how these experiences have helped prepare you for graduate school. 
  4. List and describe your skills, abilities, values, and characteristics that you believe are important to being a successful graduate student.
  5. Describe your research interests, academic goals, career goals, and reasons for wanting to attend graduate school.
  6. Letters of Recommendation and Evaluation – The applicant will submit two (2) completed letters of recommendation and evaluation using the Sitting Bull College Graduate Student Letter of Recommendation and Evaluation for Graduate Study form.
  7. Official verification of tribal enrollment if you are a Native American student. If applicable, Native American students who are not enrolled in a federally recognized tribe must submit an official verification of tribal enrollment and a birth certificate of one of their parents.
  8. Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)  – Per state, federal, and Internal Revenue Service guidelines, Sitting Bull College is required to verify your SSN or ITIN annually for accurate tax reporting on 1098-T forms. Having an accurate SSN/ITIN on tax forms supports the tax deduction that a student or family may claim for qualified educational expenses on both federal and state income tax returns.
  9. Resume or Curriculum Vita.
  • Optional: Writing sample demonstrating proper college level writing with citations and bibliography. 
  • SBC Graduate programs do not require the GRE.
  • Graduate program cohorts are not larger than 15 graduate students at one time for each program. 
Applications that are missing any of the above requirements will not be accepted or forwarded to department faculty for review.
Criteria for Admissions
  1. Completion of a bachelor’s degree preferably in the field of studies or a related field of studies to the master’s program you are applying to.  (If your undergraduate degree was in teaching and you are applying to the M.Ed. please include your Praxis I and Praxis II Scores.)
  2. Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher. Students with poor GPAs lower than 2.75 should still apply if interested in attending graduate school. Applicants should use their Personal Statement to highlight their accomplishments. Applications will be reviewed by program faculty on a case-by-case basis. Students with a good record of research and work experience may still be accepted even though their cumulative GPA may be lower than admission standards.
  3. Demonstration of readiness for graduate school and research evident in the applicant’s Personal Statement, their Letters of Recommendation and Evaluation, and the applicant’s Resume or Curriculum Vita.
  4. Applicants must complete and pass a background check.              
 Pre-Admission Interview
Applicants that meet the admissions criteria may be asked to interview with program faculty before final acceptance into their chosen graduate program is approved.  Interviews may be conducted face-to-face, via video, or by phone.

Upon the recommendation of the program faculty, graduate students will receive an official acceptance letter from the Dean of Academics.  Students will have six (6) years from the start of the semester they begin their program to complete their Master’s degree course requirements and thesis.  Failure to complete their requirements in those six (6) years will require students to validate coursework completed more than six (6) years old in order to apply for graduation. 
Special Notes
The Master’s of Science in Environmental Science (M.S. – Environmental Science) and Master’s in Education (M.Ed.) are cohort models with new cohorts being started in the fall semester every two years. The Master’s in Business Administration (M.B.A.) accepts applicant’s year around. 

The Master’s in ENS program offers day and night courses.  The program requires an extensive amount of research/field time.  It is anticipated that the coursework will take between two and three years to complete. It is highly encouraged, but not required, that selected participants not hold full-time employment during this period.  Half-time assistantships may be available for participants in the program, depending on grant funds.
The M.Ed. program is mostly synchronous online instruction requiring some regular on campus visits.  This program is designed for working educators so courses are typically held in the evenings. 

The M.B.A. program at Sitting Bull College offers courses in a two year rotation. Potential students can apply any semester within the sequence as long as the co-requisites are met. The program can be completed within 21 months. Students must complete BADM 697 in the final semester. The M.B.A. program is designed for working professionals with face-to-face and some online courses.  Select courses are offered in accelerated 8 week blocks while others run a full 16 weeks.

Graduate Handbook
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